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“My perspective on life has changed. Before this course I had nothing to do and felt like I couldn’t move forward.”

Mino Bimaadizidaa: Video
Mino Bimaadizidaa logo. Grey circle. Turtle inside has feather tail and a medicine wheel & Eagle.

Let's all Live Well

This program is a love letter to the people in our eight communities

who have been left behind again, and again.

Our Mino Bimaadizidaa program provides an understanding and awareness of how self-identity influences life choices while coaching community members to reach their career or life goals. Mino Bimaadizidaa is a culturally based program with 4 pathways that work to help you answer these four questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? How do I get there? Our program is designed to promote and encourage living well, skill building, traditional Anishinabek knowledge and culture with land-based learning opportunities.


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Let's all Live Well

 Our program is designed to promote and encourage living well, skill building, traditional Anishinabek knowledge and culture with land-based learning opportunities. 

Mino Bimaadizidaa logo. Grey circle. Turtle inside has feather tail and a medicine wheel & Eagle.

Mino-Bimaadizidaa has been running within the North Shore First Nations communities since 2011 and has shown an 80% success rate!

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Miigwech for your submission. Our Mino Bimaadizidaa staff will reach out to you shortly.

Mino Bimaadizidaa: Sign-up Form


choose your community to get in touch with us

Wahnapitae FN logo. Blue outline of Wahnapitae lake. Within - crane, loon, otter.
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Logo. Purple circle with opposing feathers and a trillium flower in middle
Sagamok Anishnawbek logo. Bald eagle within the medicine wheel.
Serpent River FN logo. Yellow circle with an axe and arrow that culminate into a snake head.
Mississauga FN logo. Yellow circle with a white centre, bird in the middle.
Thessalon FN logo. Blue Outline of Canada. Man wearing a headdress. A Place of peace & freedom
Garden River FN logo. Badge with blue, orange and purple. Black teepee with the sun rise.
Batchewana FN logo. Indg. man canoeing. Background is 4 quad medicine wheel.
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